Tutorial: Using teasers in Hakyll
- Introduction
- Marking teasers in posts
- Referring to teasers in templates
- Gluing together
- Optional teasers
- Known issues
Sometimes it is convenient to have an excerpt of a post displayed on the index page along with a “Read more…” link to encourage your readers to read the rest of the post.
You can do this in Hakyll by using “teasers” functionality.
Marking teasers in posts
First, you have to put a tag in your post which separates the teaser
from the rest of the article. We use <!--more-->
for this to mimic
the WordPress convention:
title: My teasering post
In this post I'll try to explain how to use teasers.
And here I am proceeding with the explanation.
This is an HTML comment, so it doesn’t have any visual impact on the post, it is there solely for semantic purposes.
Referring to teasers in templates
Now, we want to refer to the teaser in the template. We can do this
pretty intuitively by using $teaser$
<li class="post_item">
$date$ - $title$<p>Teaser: $teaser$</p>
<a href="$url$">Read more</a>
Gluing together
The only thing left is to glue those things together. An important
question here is on what stage of the compilation we want to extract a
teaser. Usually, we want to use pandoc output, i.e. raw HTML without
any templates applied (since we do not want some surrounding
JavaScript or common text from the templates to be included in the
teaser). We can specify this by using snapshots: we save the snapshot
during compilation and load it to resolve $teaser$
key later:
"posts/*" $ do
match $ setExtension ".html"
route $
pandocCompiler-- save immediately after pandoc, but before the templates are applied
>>= saveSnapshot "content"
>>= loadAndApplyTemplate "templates/post.html" defaultContext
You can read more about snapshots in Snapshots tutorial.
Then we use this snapshot while generating teasers using the
"teaser" "content" <> defaultContext)
(teaserField item
Here, we’ve just added a new context which knows how to handle
key to the default context (note that we passed the same
snapshot name "content"
which we used while saving).
Optional teasers
In case you don’t add a <!--more-->
comment, $teaser$
will not be defined.
This means you can use something like:
$body$ $endif$
Known issues
Since we use an HTML comment <!--more-->
to separate the teaser,
sometimes pandoc
can “eat” the comment while converting (for example
this happens with literate Haskell source). In order to overcome this
problem you may try to use something like this as a separator:
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