Controlling Chromium in Haskell
Published on September 1, 2013 under the tag haskell
The chromium browser has a built-in WebSockets server which can be used to control it. I first heard about this through an issue with my WebSockets project.
Since I am currently rewriting the WebSockets library to have it use io-streams, I wanted to give this a try and made it into a blogpost. As a sidenote – the port is going great, io-streams is a very nice library and I managed to solve a whole lot of issues in the library (mostly exception handling stuff).
Note that this code uses a yet unreleased version of the WebSockets library –
you can get it from the github repo though, if you want to: check out the
This file is written in literate Haskell so we will have a few boilerplate declarations and imports first:
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
module Main
( mainwhere )
import Control.Applicative ((<$>))
import Control.Monad (forever, mzero)
import Control.Monad.Trans (liftIO)
import Data.Aeson (FromJSON (..), ToJSON (..), (.:), (.=))
import qualified Data.Aeson as A
import qualified Data.Map as M
import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe)
import qualified Data.Text.IO as T
import qualified Data.Vector as V
import qualified Network.HTTP.Conduit as Http
import qualified Network.URI as Uri
import qualified Network.WebSockets as WS
Locating the WebSockets server
To enable the WebSockets server, chrome must be launched with the
flag enabled:
chromium --remote-debugging-port=9160
Now, in order to connect to the built-in WebSockets server, we have to know its URI and this requires some extra code. We will first use cURL to demonstrate this:
$ curl localhost:9160/json
[ {
"description": "",
"webSocketDebuggerUrl": "ws://localhost:9160/devtools/page/8937C189-5CED-8E34-E26E-A389641FE8FF"
} ]
That webSocketDebuggerUrl
is the one we want. Let us write some Haskell code
to automate obtaining it.
We create a datatype to hold this info. Currently, we are only interested in a single field:
data ChromiumPageInfo = ChromiumPageInfo
chromiumDebuggerUrl :: String
{deriving (Show) }
We will use aeson to parse the JSON. We need a FromJSON
instance for our
instance FromJSON ChromiumPageInfo where
A.Object obj) =
parseJSON (ChromiumPageInfo <$> obj .: "webSocketDebuggerUrl"
= mzero parseJSON _
The http-conduit library can be used to do what we just did using curl
getChromiumPageInfo :: Int -> IO [ChromiumPageInfo]
= do
getChromiumPageInfo port <- Http.withManager $ \manager -> Http.httpLbs request manager
response case A.decode (Http.responseBody response) of
Nothing -> error "getChromiumPageInfo: Parse error"
Just ci -> return ci
= Http.def
request = "localhost"
{ = port
, Http.port = "/json"
, Http.path }
One remaining issue is that the JSON contains the WebSockets URL as a single
string, and the WebSockets library expects a (host, port, path) triple. Luckily
for us, the standard network library has a Network.URI
module which makes
this task pretty simple:
parseUri :: String -> (String, Int, String)
= fromMaybe (error "parseUri: Invalid URI") $ do
parseUri uri <- Uri.parseURI uri
u <- Uri.uriAuthority u
auth let port = case Uri.uriPort auth of (':' : str) -> read str; _ -> 80
return (Uri.uriRegName auth, port, Uri.uriPath u)
Once we are connected to Chromium, we will be sending commands to it. A simple Haskell datatype can be used to model these commands:
data Command = Command
commandId :: Int
{ commandMethod :: String
, commandParams :: [(String, String)]
,deriving (Show) }
We use the aeson library again here, to convert these commands into JSON data:
instance ToJSON Command where
= A.object
toJSON cmd "id" .= commandId cmd
[ "method" .= commandMethod cmd
, "params" .= M.fromList (commandParams cmd)
, ]
What is left is a simple main function to tie it all together.
main :: IO ()
= do
main : _) <- getChromiumPageInfo 9160
(ci let (host, port, path) = parseUri (chromiumDebuggerUrl ci)
$ \conn -> do
WS.runClient host port path -- Send an example command
$ A.encode $ Command
WS.sendTextData conn = 1
{ commandId = "Page.navigate"
, commandMethod = [("url", "")]
, commandParams
-- Print output to the screen
$ do
forever <- WS.receiveData conn
msg $ T.putStrLn msg liftIO
This is a very simple example of what you can do with Haskell and Chromium, but I think there are some pretty interesting opportunities to be found here. For example, I wonder if it would be possible to create a simple Selenium-like framework for web application testing in Haskell.
Thanks to Gilles J. for a quick proofread and Ilya Grigorik for this inspiring blogpost!