On Ad-hoc Datatypes

Use ad-hoc datatypes liberally to improve code readability
Published on May 11, 2016 under the tag

In Haskell, it is extremely easy for the programmer to add a quick datatype. It does not have to take more than a few lines. This is useful to add auxiliary, ad-hoc datatypes.

I don’t think this is used enough. Most libraries and code I see use “heavier” datatypes: canonical and very well-thought-out datatypes, followed by dozens of instances and related functions. These are of course great to work with, but it doesn’t have to be a restriction: adding quick datatypes – without all these instances and auxiliary functions – often makes code easier to read.

The key idea is that, in order to make code as simple as possible, you want to represent your data as simply as possible. However, the definition of “simple” is not the same in every context. Sometimes, looking at your data from another perspective makes specific tasks easier. In those cases, introducing “quick-and-dirty” datatypes often makes code cleaner.

This blogpost is written in literate Haskell so you should be able to just load it up in GHCi and play around with it. You can find the raw .lhs file here.

import Control.Monad (forM_)

Let’s look at a quick example. Here, we have a definition of a shopping cart in a fruit store.

data Fruit = Banana | Apple | Orange
    deriving (Show, Eq)

type Cart = [(Fruit, Int)]

And we have a few functions to inspect it.

cartIsHomogeneous :: Cart -> Bool
cartIsHomogeneous []                = True
cartIsHomogeneous ((fruit, _) : xs) = all ((== fruit) . fst) xs
cartTotalItems :: Cart -> Int
cartTotalItems = sum . map snd

This is very much like code you typically see in Haskell codebases (of course, with more complex datatypes than this simple example).

The last function we want to add is printing a cart. The exact way we format it depends on what is in the cart. There are four possible scenarios.

  1. The cart is empty.
  2. There is a single item in the customers cart and we have some sort of simplified checkout.
  3. The customer buys three or more of the same fruit (and nothing else). In that case we give out a bonus.
  4. None of the above.

This is clearly a good candidate for Haskell’s case statement and guards. Let’s try that.

printCart :: Cart -> IO ()
printCart cart = case cart of
    []           -> putStrLn $ "Your cart is empty"
    [(fruit, 1)] -> putStrLn $ "You are buying one " ++ show fruit
    _ | cartIsHomogeneous cart && cartTotalItems cart >= 3 -> do
              putStrLn $
                  show (cartTotalItems cart) ++
                  " " ++ show (fst $ head cart) ++ "s" ++
                  " for you!"
              putStrLn "BONUS GET!"
      | otherwise -> do
          putStrLn $ "Your cart: "
          forM_ cart $ \(fruit, num) ->
              putStrLn $ "- " ++ show num ++ " " ++ show fruit

This is not very nice. The business logic is interspersed with the printing code. We could clean it up by adding additional predicates such as cartIsBonus, but having too many of these predicates leads to a certain kind of Boolean Blindness.

Instead, it seems much nicer to introduce a temporary type:

data CartView
    = EmptyCart
    | SingleCart  Fruit
    | BonusCart   Fruit Int
    | GeneralCart Cart

This allows us to decompose our printCart into two clean parts: classifying the cart, and printing it.

cartView :: Cart -> CartView
cartView []           = EmptyCart
cartView [(fruit, 1)] = SingleCart fruit
cartView cart
    | cartIsHomogeneous cart && cartTotalItems cart >= 3 =
        BonusCart (fst $ head cart) (cartTotalItems cart)
    | otherwise = GeneralCart cart

Note that we now have a single location where we classify the cart. This is useful if we need this information in multiple places. If we chose to solve the problem by adding additional predicates such has cartIsBonus instead, we would still have to watch out that we check these predicates in the same order everywhere. Furthermore, if we need to add a case, we can simply add a constructor to this datatype, and the compiler will tell us where we need to update our code 1.

Our printCart becomes very simple now:

printCart2 :: Cart -> IO ()
printCart2 cart = case cartView cart of
    EmptyCart          -> putStrLn $ "Your cart is empty"
    SingleCart fruit   -> putStrLn $ "You are buying one " ++ show fruit
    BonusCart  fruit n -> do
        putStrLn $ show n ++ " " ++ show fruit ++ "s for you!"
        putStrLn "BONUS GET!"
    GeneralCart items  -> do
        putStrLn $ "Your cart: "
        forM_ items $ \(fruit, num) ->
            putStrLn $ "- " ++ show num ++ " " ++ show fruit

Of course, it goes without saying that ad-hoc datatypes that are only used locally should not be exported from the module – otherwise you end up with a mess again.

  1. If you are compiling with -Wall, which is what you really, really should be doing.↩︎
