Using Arrows for Dependency Handling
Published on March 26, 2010 under the tag haskell
What is this about
Arrows are, like Monads or Monoids, a mathematical concept that can be used in the Haskell programming language. This post analyzes and explains a certain use case for Arrows, namely dependency tracking. But let’s begin with a quite unrelated quote from Jimi Hendrix.
Well my arrows are made of desire
From far away as Jupiter’s sulphur mines
Arrows are less common than Monads or Monoids (in Haskell code, that is), but they are certainly not harder to understand. This blogpost aims to give a quick, informal introduction to Arrows. As concrete subject and example, we use dependency handling in Hakyll.
The problem
Hakyll is a static site generator I use to run this blog. The principles behind it are pretty simple: you write your pages in markdown or something similar, and you write templates in html. Then, you render the pages with some templates using a configuration DSL.
In Hakyll, the rendering algorithm is more or less like this:
- Read a page from a file, say
. - Parse and render this page to HTML using pandoc.
- Do some further manipulations on the result.
- Render the result using a HTML template.
- Write the result to
The catch is, say _site/contact.html
is “newer” than contact.markdown
the HTML templates. In this case, we do not want to do anything. Haskell
lazyness will not help us a lot here, since we’re dealing with a lot of IO
Suppose we’re currently reading the page from a file. We know the timestamp of the file we’re reading, but since we don’t yet know the timestamp of the other files on which the final result depends, we don’t know if we can skip this read or not. This means dependency handling should happen on a higher level, above these specific functions – so we need to abstract dependency handling.
A general notion of computation
So let’s create a wrapper for functions dealing with dependencies.
data HakyllAction a b = HakyllAction
actionDependencies :: [FilePath]
{ actionUrl :: Maybe (Hakyll FilePath)
, actionFunction :: a -> Hakyll b
, }
Some explanation might be needed here. You can think of a
as the input for our
action, and then b
is the output. The actionUrl
contains the final
destination of our computations – this can be Nothing
, if it is not yet
known. And finally, the actionFunction
contains the actual action.
The Hakyll
is a usual monad stack with IO
at the bottom.
To qualify as an Arrow
, a datatype needs to be a Category
. So lets create
an instance Category HakyllAction
first. There are two functions we need to
: The simple identity category. This is comparable to
: Category composition – this is comparable to function composition.
The id
action has no dependencies, no destination, and simply returns itself.
instance Category HakyllAction where
id = HakyllAction
= []
{ actionDependencies = Nothing
, actionUrl = return
, actionFunction }
The .
action is not complicated either. The new dependencies consist of all
the dependencies of the two actions. For our destination, we use an mplus
the latest applied function first, so it gets chosen over the other destination.
. y = HakyllAction
x = actionDependencies x ++ actionDependencies y
{ actionDependencies = actionUrl x `mplus` actionUrl y
, actionUrl = actionFunction x <=< actionFunction y
, actionFunction }
The <=<
operator is right-to-left monad composition.
To make our action a real Arrow
, we need to implement two more functions:
: This should lift a pure function (thus, with ana -> b
signature) intoHakyllAction
, so we have the type signature(a -> b) -> HakyllAction a b
: This is a function that should operate on one value of a tuple. This all happens “inside”HakyllAction
– perhaps an illustration will explain this better. You can see howf :: a -> b
applies to an(a, c)
tuple, wheref
is applied on the first value.

instance Arrow HakyllAction where
= id { actionFunction = return . f}
arr f = x
first x = \(y, z) -> do
{ actionFunction <- actionFunction x y
y' return (y', z)
Actually using it
Now that we’ve put all this trouble into creating an Arrow, we might as well use it. Let’s examine some functions from Hakyll and see how they fit.
createPage :: FilePath -> HakyllAction () Context
render :: FilePath -> HakyllAction Context Context
writePage :: HakyllAction Context ()
Arrows are usually combined using the >>>
operator. This gives us:
= createPage "contact.markdown"
test >>> render "templates/default.html"
>>> writePage
This creates a HakyllAction
but doesn’t actually do anything. We still need
to run it. And now we can see the benefits of this method, since we can write
a function that does dependency checking on the combined functions.
runHakyllActionIfNeeded test
The actual implementation of runHakyllActionIfNeeded
goes more or less like
runHakyllActionIfNeeded :: HakyllAction () ()
-> Hakyll ()
= do
runHakyllActionIfNeeded action <- case actionUrl action of
url Just u) -> u
(Nothing -> error "At this time, an URL should be set!"
<- isFileMoreRecent url $ actionDependencies action
valid unless valid (actionFunction action ())
The isFileMoreRecent
function checks if the first file is more recent than all
of the other files.
We have now developped a more robust and better dependency checking system, and learned something about Arrows. If you are interested, the complete code that led to this blogpost is available on here on GitHub. There are also a few other interesting things to consider:
- Can you prove the Arrows/Category laws on
? - Why can’t this be done using Monads?
These questions are left as an exercise to the reader. On a sidenote, kudos to BCoppens for proofreading through this post.