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Jasper Van der Jeugt



I am a software engineer with lots of experience using Haskell, both professionally and for open source projects. Strong typing and functional programming have helped me achieve a rigorous attitude towards programming – not only in Haskell, but also in other languages I use such as Java, C, C++, OCaml and JavaScript – by constantly striving towards correctness, principled design, and robustness. My personal development projects include high-profile Haskell libraries, and a technical blog.



Technical work experience

Open source contributions

Apart from these projects, I have also authored or co-authored stylish-haskell, Digestive functors, psqueues, Lorem Markdownum, geohub.github.com, 12Urenloop, JVGS, and more. I have also made contributions to many Haskell libraries and tools. Most info can be found on my GitHub page, and I would be glad to provide details on request.

Community involvement

Apart from the technical blog I maintain at jaspervdj.be, I have also given a lot of talks at various conferences and user groups. My talks have almost exclusively been around Haskell, and I have spoken in Ghent, Utrecht, Cambridge, New York, London and Zürich. I would be happy to provide a full list of topics and slides on request.

During the time I was at Ghent University, I was in the organizing committee of the students’ Computer Science Workgroup, Zeus WPI, as well as the organizing committee of the Ghent Functional Programming Group.
